Overview of Critical Care - LMICs in Perspective

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Muyiwa Rotimi


Introduction: Critical Care Medicine is an evolving specialty in our environment. Intensive Care Unit is a specially staffed and equipped hospital ward dedicated to the management of critically ill patients with reversible organ dysfunction, life threatening illness, injuries or
complications who will benefit from care not available on the general ward. The Care is INTENSIVE!

Case Scenario: A 62year old known hypertensive, diabetic and asthmatic, a victim of RTA rushed to ER. GCS 5/15, PR 125bpm, BP 80/55mmHg, RR 48cpm, Sat 85% on NRM @15L/min, dyspnoiec. Bleeding from orofacial orifices, # ribs, blunt abdominal injury with guarding, tenderness++, #long bones Hb 7.2g/dl, WBC 32,000, PLT 80,000 Lactate 8. What is the diagnosis? What is the next line of management?

Who is a critically ill patient? A critically ill patient describes a patient with a clinical state that may arise from various medical conditions e.g. acute coronary syndrome, stroke, infection, trauma etc or following major surgery leading to one or more organ
dysfunction (consciousness, circulation, spiration, renal, endocrine or metabolic etc).


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How to Cite
Rotimi, M. (2024). Overview of Critical Care - LMICs in Perspective. Nigerian Journal of Anaesthesia, 1(1), 19-26. https://doi.org/10.60787/nja.vol1no1.3
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Author Biography

Muyiwa Rotimi, Intensive Care Unit, Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Nigeria

Consultant Anaesthetist/Critical Care Physician.
Director, Intensive Care Unit,
Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Nigeria